Arriving at Southport on a grey overcast day on Tuesday 24th April 2018 for the Provincial Meeting of the West Lancashire Province of Mark Master Masons, was quite unusual, as for as long as I can remember it always been sunny, and on the first Wednesday in May.
However, it might have been gloomy outside, but inside we were met by the ever-happy Registration and Security teams, with the usual happy banter which sets off the day.
Down the stairs into the outer hall, you know were they sell the Coffee and Bacon Butties, and most use as a Robing Room. There we catch the first glimpse of those hard working and well-known Mark Masons, W Bro Frank Thomas, with his 21st Century Club, and Next to him our own Mark “Arthur Daley” W Bro Chris Walls with his splendid array of mechanise for the well dressed and stylish Mark Mason.
W Bro’s Frank Thomas, John Sarti and Christopher Walls
On the other side in the corner, but certainly not hiding away is the “Help Desk”. This is manned as usual by  W Bro Stuart Brackstone, and some of the Secretariat, W Bro J Waring and W Bro G Catterall, there jobs are to sort out jewel for the new acting officers, checking that all the Master of Lodges are there and badged up for the Coffee Morning, sorting out year book for Lodge secretaries, and generally help Brethren with their requests.
W Bro's Stuart Brackstone, Derek Eastham and Geoff Catterall
In the Hall itself W Bro David Emmerson, the Provincial Director of Ceremonies, is already busy with his DC’s team along with the Offices and the Stewards of the year, conducting the rehearsals for the various possessions that were to take place both at the start of, during the meeting and at the close. David’s thinking being, a well drilled team, make for precision during the meeting, what a task.
Elsewhere during the morning, the Provincial Grand Master and his Executive are preparing to meet the Masters of all the Mark Lodges in the Province. Oh yes, for any Brother in doubt, it is expected that every Master of the Mark Lodges attend Provincial Grand Lodge to represent their respective Lodge, it is part of the duties which go with the Office held.
P G M addressing the assembled Masters
Every Master or his representative, is provided with Coffee and there are biscuits too, and a pleasant informative chat with the members of the Mark Executive, being Rt W Bro Keith Beardmore the Provincial Grand Master, his Assistant Provincial Grand Masters V W Bro Ian D Nairn and W Bro Giles F Berkley accompanied by the Senior and Junior Wardens of the Province W Bro Stuart S Boyd and W Bro Vic H Norris
V W Bro Ian Nairn and W Bro Giles Berkley
They rotate around the tables interacting with the Masters, on a very informal basis, discussing matters relating to their respective Lodges and the Order in general. Membership, recruitment, retention, and the atmosphere with in Lodges.
The P G M in full flow
The Provincial Grand Master of course had a theme and he also gave the Masters, as always happens at these “coffee mornings”, which he expects every Master or his representative to take back to his Lodge. But, most of all he wants you all to be happy, create a happy atmosphere in your Lodges and you will have a happy Lodge in which members will enjoy themselves and when you bring in candidates, they will see happiness join in the atmosphere and soak it up and introduce other Brethren to the Order. Brethren, its not rocket science, and it is in your hands!
Talking about happiness, what fun it is meeting all your old friends from around the Province and of course being introduced to new people who ultimately become acquaintances in the first place, but “friends” later. That being there, and that interaction, is really what makes the Mark Degree fun.
Anyway, let’s get down to the main event.
The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies introduced the first procession which brought in the distinguished Guests from other Provinces, from near and far.  I am not going to name them all as there were a considerable number. But, just to illustrate how popular our Province is, Rt W Bro Derek Upton, the Provincial Grand Master for Jersey, had heard about how good our meetings were and had purposely arranged other business so as to be at our meeting, yes Brethren the Island of Jersey.
Those Brethren being accommodated, the next procession was our own Provincial Officers of the Year, closely followed by that of the Provincial Grand Master who entered the Hall to rapturous applause.
The Next Procession was that of the Masters of Lodge within the Province who all took their seats.
The Scene set, the Provincial Grand Master opened the meeting in due form and off we go. The first item on the agenda, another Procession, that of the Worshipful Commanders of the Royal Ark Mariner Lodges who led by the Commander of the Adoniram Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No552, W Bro R Hall, who had heard about the meeting and asked if they might join in.
The Provincial Grand Master was most gracious and said that he would be please if they would, as they brought colour to the meeting.
The Business of the meeting continued, but all the time it was going on, there was an empty seat on the front row on the stage?, however, just after the Salutations to the Grand Officers, the Provincial Grand Inner Guard reported an approach at the door of the Lodge, then entered the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, W Bro John Vause, and announced the Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master, Bro Stephen Davison, who was duly welcomed and saluted and of course that’s who the empty Chair was for.
There was a Collection for the West Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund which raises a princely sum.
Then came the highlight of the meeting the Provincial Grand Master address which after the usual pleasantries of welcoming the Guest and the Distinguished Guest who are members of our province.
With his usual bright a bouncy fashion, turned to the important bit of getting his message to the Brethren of the Province. This was met with inestimable rapture. 
The next item was of course the one which some had been awaiting since the letters went out in March.
The time had arrived for some very proud Mark Masons to receive their first appointment to acting or promotion to Past Provincial Rank, always special, no matter how senior. Followed on by those who were being promoted to a higher rank. We congratulate them all, and hope that they enjoy and have fun in their new position.
Right Worshipful Brother Stephen Davison, the Assistant Grand Master then addressed the meeting thanking the Provincial Grand Master for his invitation and his welcome, he the enlighten the assembled brethren about the changes and the procedures the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Mason. He congratulated the Provincial Grand Master on what he thought had been a very successful meeting, he was given the usual West Lancashire acclamation and retired.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master V W Bro Geoffrey Lee, then proposed a vote of thanks to all the had working Stewards from the Philadelphia Lodge of Installed Master Masons No 1646, and the Southport Group for their assistance in organising the meeting. Some of the Stewards had left Barrow for the meeting shortly after 6am, that is dedication for you.
The Provincial Grand Master closed the meeting, the National Anthem was sung with passion, and the procession out of the meetings were called, and it was off to refreshment.
At this point I would like to pay tribute to two people, the Provincial Secretary and the Provincial Director of Ceremonies. W Bro John Bicknell and W Bro David Emmerson, both work tirelessly for the Province all year, but especially, at this time of year put in a lot of hard work, putting together the Provincial Meeting.
Brethren, these meeting do not just happen, there are weeks of preparation put in to ensure everything goes like clockwork. That Brethren is for YOUR comfort and enjoyment, and they deserve YOUR support, whether you are receiving an appointment a promotion or like me just there to enjoy a day out amongst friends.
Having got the serious business lets quickly move on to the refreshment. Well, those around the bar having pre-dinner drinks were in for a surprise.
The Assistant Grand Master joined in the fun. He spent some half to three quarters of an hour mingling with the Brethren exchanging pleasantries, and freely chatting with all present. Right Worshipful Brother Stephen Davison is a very easy going and interesting man to talk with and with that easy smile and pleasing smile, immediately put everyone at ease. Watching from the side-lines it, it seemed to be pleasing to our Brethren, what a good advert for West Lancashire Province, and Brethren his visit will be talked about in London. 
Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Master chatting with W Bro Ian Scott and W Bro Brian Povey
After pre-dinner drinks, dinner beckoned, so into the dinning suite for a very well presented three course meal, with wine included. The food was good and wholesome, the banter around the tables was good hearted and the camaraderie fantastic as it always is at Mark occasions.  
After Dinner came the Toasts and the Speeches, how nice it is to be able to propose the toast to the High Rulers of our Order when he is present. Our Provincial Grand Master Welcomed Rt W Bro Stephen Davison in the true West Lancashire Fashion. And of course, the Assistant Grand Master replied in a most generous manner with regards to his day with us.
W Bro Ian D Nairn the Senior Assistant Provincial Garand Master then had the very pleasurable task of proposing the Toast to our Provincial Grand Master Right W Bro Keith Alan Beardmore, as he did with his usual upbeat fashion, with the now usual jokey quips.
The Provincial Grand Master thank V W Bro Nairn for his toast and thank everyone who had supported the day, he had enjoyed his day and he hope that everyone there had. He the announced that he had decided that the Province was to have a Travelling Keystone and invited W Bro Stephen Hallam, the Master of The Leyland Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1002, to collect the Keystone. Further details about the rules were to follow.
W. Bro. Steve Hallam with 'The Travelling Keystone'
I have been going to the Mark Provincial Meeting s for some 15 years, yes back in the Fleetwood days, and I have never been disappointed in my day out. It did surprise me that a growing number of Brethren that had accepted a first appointment or promotion did not bother to attend and support the Provincial Grand Master on the Provinces big day of the year. Brethren it was your loss, you missed the fun and camaraderie of the day and the entertainment of the Dinner afterwards.
I had no other reason to go other that for a good day out amongst friends, that I did. I can only urge those who are offered an appointment or promotion next year to come along and support and help make it the “good day out” it is. So please put Wednesday 1st of May 2019 in your diary for that is the date of themeeting next year.
Brethren Mark Well
Words by Edwin Schofield P.Prov.G.J.W. and Photos by Edwin Schofield and Ernie Gavan.